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RE: LMAC: Danger In The Sky

I'm missing the happy end, Jo, so I think the Heron can see through the orange smoke and guides the pilot safely to the airfield where they land with a big smile on their faces ... and the evil angel flies crying to where he has come from and will never come back 😁

Lovely collage as always, dear Jo, but you may be sure that when I will think of it and look out for the angel when I fly next time 😊

!WINE makes a delicious dinner with !PIZZA :)


That’s a great ending Hannes with great Blue Heron playing an important role in saving the plane and defeating the evil angel.

Thanks Hannes for your wonderful support and adding a happy ending, 🤗

Have a fantastic weekend! ☀️

Hihi, I just thought I was missing something and added an ending that would safe me if I was sitting in this plane 😄
You're very welcome as always, dear Jo, and I hope your weekend will be fantastic as well 🤗🌞

Maybe you like a !PIZZA fresh from the Oven 😋

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