Let's make a collage - A contest for all the creators of the beehive - Round 60 - Fantasy of Elves and Fairies

in Let's Make a Collage3 years ago (edited)

Hello friends, this is my participation in Round No. 60 of the Let's Make a Collage Contest organized every week by @shaka.


To elaborate my collage I used public domain images from the pages https://pixabay.com/es and https://www.pinterest.es.

I invite you to participate in this wonderful contest, here is the link to know the rules and encourage you to make your collage:



I love this fantasy. The toadstool house if perfect. A charming scene.
Good luck!

Me alegra que te guste, gracias!

Se ve tan bonito, tan colorido, todo un cuento de hadas.

It looks so pretty, so colorful, quite a fairy tale.

Gracias amiga, el cuento de hadas donde a veces quisiéramos estar!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Esa es la idea!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Asi es amiga, gracias!