Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 133 - ✨200 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Hello friends, I hope you are well, here I am participating again in the Let's Make a Collage Contest, organized by @shaka in the LMAC Community, which is already in its Round #133.


You still have time to participate, CLICK HERE and know the rules.

All the images I used to make my collage are in the public domain, Imagens 1 and 2, are from our The LMAC Image Library, courtesy of friends @onyechi and @agmoore, the others are from https://pixabay.com/es.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4


Perfectly beautiful. What a great eye you have. (I believe that is @onyechi's sun--I used it in my collage also😇)

Thank you for using my image. Good luck this week, @kiilders

Un hermoso sol iluminando está escena, gracias amiga, saludos!

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