Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 93 - ✨ Strange Composition

in Let's Make a Collage3 years ago (edited)
Hello friends, I hope you are well, here I am participating again in the Let's Make a Collage Contest, organized by @shaka in the LMAC Community, which is already in its Round # 93.


All the images I used to make my collage are in the public domain, Images 1 and 2 is from our Image Library, courtesy of @agmoore and @mballesteros, las demas son de https://pixabay.com/es

Imagen 1
Imagen 2
Imagen 3
Imagen 4
Imagen 5

Feel free to join this creative contest by clicking this LINK and learn how to do it.


Cool. Very surreal. Yoda is leading the game :) Wish you luck in the contest! 😎 👏

I love this. So sweet. I that Yoda? What a nice arrangement of images. And oh, that balloon-soaring dog.

Good luck this week with this charming collage.

Very nice touch of Yoda!!!. and the retro composition of the image.

Saludos amigo, gracias!

Great job! Comic and bizarre at the same time, good choice of images.
Good luck in the contest...