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RE: Zoos: Are They Ethical? My Collage for LMAC 135

I once saw a jaguar (and other creatures) in a cage. Such a powerful wild creature all caged up was not good. The open air zoos are a step up but I imagine that constraining animals who prefer large hunting range is not a good idea.

On a trip to Thailand I visited a 'sanctuary' and bathed an elephant (until he decided to be naughty and grab a person's leg to knock them over playfully). We learned how to make soap out of some tree to bathe them and learned a few facts about how they live and behave. Supposedly these were rescued animals, but I couldn't be certain, of course. It's a tricky situation because there are some animals that probably do need the help, and the funds to receive that help, so it's difficult to say whether this sanctuary was a good idea.


Very thoughtful article @agmoore!


Thank you! Of course, animal rescue is another matter. If there is a preserve set aside for rescued animals that cannot be returned to the wild, that's great. I think the metric should be, who benefits? Is there money to be made? Are the animals exploited for human entertainment/profit, or does the preserve exist solely for the animal's welfare. As you say, hard to determine but the ultimate test.

Thanks for stopping by. I love the picture :)

It is a difficult topic because of the multiple angles- social, cultural, political, scientific, educational, financial, and so on. Our attitudes in the western world have changed and continue to evolve. In other countries, not so much. This is why we need to have the discussion from time to time.

Being around the elephants was interesting. They're like big babies. Another group nearby actually had a baby elephant that was playing by sliding down a hill with his front legs spread out. Clever creatures!