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RE: Why Do We Dream? My Collage for LMAC #179

in Let's Make a Collage11 months ago

I enjoyed reading about the different theories about the function of dreams. I think it's fascinating that there is still so much we don't know about this mysterious phenomenon.

I especially like the "Fitness" theory, which suggests that dreams help us to learn and grow by introducing a little disorder into our brains. I think this makes a lot of sense, and it's something that I've experienced myself. Sometimes, I'll have a dream that is completely bizarre and nonsensical, but it will still stick with me long after I wake up. I think these dreams are often the ones that help me to see things in a new way or to come up with new ideas.

I also think the "Consolidation of Memories" theory is very interesting. It makes sense that dreams would help us to process and store our memories. After all, our brains are constantly working to make sense of the world around us, and dreams are a way for us to do that in a different way.


Hello @malos10,

I did find this topic fascinating. And, as you say, we really don't understand dreaming at all, though we all dream. I'm what they call elderly, but I dream a lot, even though it is said the elderly don't dream much. It's interesting. They also say infants and very young children don't dream much. Dogs and birds, on the other hand do😄

I have a feeling I'll be writing about this again, maybe a science blog, more detailed.

Thanks for reading. I appreciate your intelligent, comprehensive feedback.