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RE: Berta and the nasty gnome - LMAC 64

Happy new year and a big hug to you, too. Thank you very much for your kind words. :-)
Yes I noticed imidiadely you used MakeHuman and it looks wonderful. I just had to find time to write a comment on your post. But I'll make up for that in a moment.

... which feed on the folkloric vein.

There is the secret home of my heart. I grew up very intensively with all the folkloric fairy tales and myths of my southern german culture. My grand parents and my parents had a lot to tell, a story for every situation.
These tales formed my values and my view to what is right, my moralic compass. And last but not least it formed the way I'm thinking whenever I imagine a story, despite the fact that I have yet to develop a better sense for good spins.
Fascinating that you recognized that in my stories. :-)


I recognize it because in a way, it is also my culture. Your country is a source of stories that have become important to everyone. Many of my childhood stories come from there. Many of those stories are told in my country with other landscapes and other characters. The powerful fictional image of the forest, built like a topos that is already universal. What a fortune to have grown up there!