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RE: Looking at Magic, and a Collage for LMAC #75

Your collage is not only really funny and unique, the idea is also very ingenious.
It fascinated me, as your collages often do.

But what's more, the education part was very interessting and a joy to read, too.

Well, if one get too analytical about magic, one will only raise more theories and questions.
We always ask ourselves these questions about what really exists with the help of our limited view of reality. Until we still have to clarify why existence exists, we cannot define what ever exists. Behind this unknown fact probably lies the answer about what really can exist.

But it is also a fact that we humans perceive reality subjectively. This subjective perception is based on collective evaluations, which ist also culturally influenced.
If one society assumes the existence of elves as possible, why should this assumption be less correct than the assumption of another society which denies the existence of elves?

There is a story that tells how native americans were initially unable to see the ships of Columbus and his crew when they anchored offshore in the distance. Because these ships were completely different from anything they had seen before. It was only after the shaman had looked out for a long time because he had noticed the movement of the water that he could finally see them. After pointing this out to the others of his tribe, they could see the ships too.

According to Malinowski's theory of magic, the Trobriand Islanders resort to superstition and belief when the certainty of empirical explanation eludes.

If this made the Trobriand tribe survive to this day, their magic and their spiritual enlightenment must be great! :-)


My dear @quantumg,
The power of your words. I look at my collage through your filter and think, yeah, maybe it's not so bad :))

It's funny, I read you words after I had a telephone conversation with my sister-in-law. She lost her brother recently. We're at the age where death is not surprising but still takes its toll on the survivors. She was asking me about religion, about what she had been taught as a child and how the truth of those religious stories doesn't seem to hold up, now, as she thinks about her brother. My words to her were not very different from this:

If this made the Trobriand tribe survive to this day, their magic and their spiritual enlightenment must be great

I tried to tell her that the truth is not in the details. That if she did some reading in comparative religion she would see the same striving, and people arriving at essentially the same answers. Details are different, but the truth is the same. It is that truth that gets people through. And maybe there's something to that truth, because it has some universality.

Mind you, I'm not 'religious'. But I'm not irreligious, either. I think what you wrote is not very different from what I tried to impart. It's interesting how these ideas come together on the same day.

Maybe that's the magic :))

I hope I don't sound too silly. I do enjoy "talking" to you.

Good luck tonight with the dpoll.


I look at my collage through your filter and think, yeah, maybe it's not so bad :))

The truth is, there is no filter at all !!! :-)

I send you deep-felt condolences.❤️

And maybe there's something to that truth, because it has some universality.

I think so too.
In fact, it is not just that all comparable religions make similar statements about what comes after life, in example. Even the pagan religions, such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Asatru, religions of various South American indigenous people, have very similar ideas about the basis of what happens afterwards. An obvious pattern.
The different religions only differ in their statements about the "future" after death. But they all know a soul or a kind of soul. And all of them are talking about a journey that the soul begins then.

The pattern becomes even clearer when you consider that many of these religions, due to their geographical distance, could not influence each other at all.

It's funny, I read you words after I had a telephone conversation with my sister-in-law...
... Maybe that's the magic :))

Maybe we are right in our assumptions, since the universe even sends us a synchronicity (or seriality). xD

🌞🌟🌷 🌸🌟🌞