Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 102 - ✨Time to play!✨

Hello everyone again!

This week for my collage, I created the following, a play scene of two brothers building a small town, where they roam their toy cars and have hours of fun during the day. I liked the result, this week I have also done something different, to this collage I have added animation to simulate that the children spent all day playing, while the sun makes its normal journey through the sky.

This is my collage


To make the collage use the following:

Also use the following copyright free images


  • And the sun that I have drawn, since it is something quite simple.

I hope you like my collage, and are encouraged to participate, here I share the link: LMAC


I love the perspective the children lend to the collage. The sun is a great idea, and well done.

Good luck this week!

Thanks ✌️😄🤗