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RE: Dark Matter - An Infinite Expression of Multi Universes?

That’s really interesting to hear about how inspiration for theories/experiments comes about @lemouth

I had a friend who did a PHD in physics many moons ago when I was in university studying writing. I think this is where my assumption that the spark of ideas for scientific ideas did come from the conscious rather than the subconscious.

I remember nights out with him and his friends and often I would be baffled by their conversations. Sometimes I could follow along to a point and then would get lost where my knowledge failed me. It was always fun hanging out with them though.

I'm glad you enjoyed the art and creative musings. When I read the announcement for this LMAC/STEM collaboration I agreed wholeheartedly with the reasoning behind it. I think that science and the arts are two of the most important aspects that have driven human society in a positive direction - although there are exceptions to this generalisation - but I think in most cases it holds true.

Thanks for checking out my blog and art 🙂