my 2nd entry to LMAC round 57

Hi LMAC community!

this is my participation to round #57

Let's have a look at the wild side of my imagination...

Women showing their legs, monkeys not interested at all, strange dolphins, everything that you usually don't see in a city landscape!


links to images source:
background template
lotus flower
monkey family
sleepy monkey
bananas dolphins

contest post:
Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 57 - ✨125 HIVE in the Weekly Prize Pool!


I absolutely love this zany collage. Low VP now, but I'll be back. Right now a small tip to hold my place.

I have no idea what this is about, but I love it :))

Good luck!

thank you, sometimes the wild side comes out of us...