✨Path to peace ✨/ Let's make a collage, round 147 / [ENG-ESP].

Helloooo again my friends Hivers ☺️ and legents all over the 🌎 , I'm back for another week to the contest in the community Let's Make a Collage , which is to make a collage , starting from a base image given by @shaka.

For more information about the contest and the rules, you can go to the following link.

Holaaa nuevamente mis amigos Hivers ☺️ y leyentes del todo el 🌎 , vuelvo otra semana al concurso en la comunidad Let's Make a Collage , el cual es realizar un collage , a partir de una imagen base dada por @shaka.

Para más información sobre el concurso y las reglas, puede dirigirse al siguiente link.

Original image by @shaka /Imagen original de @shaka

Pictures used / Imágenes utilizadas

Picture 1 / Imagen 1
Picture 2 / Imagen 2
Picture 3 / Imagen 3
Picture 4 / Imagen 4
Picture 5 / Imagen 5

Author of Collage and dividers : @ross92/ Autor de Collage y separadores : @ross92
Resources used / Recursos utilizados
Microsof Power Point
LMAC Gallery /Galeria de LMAC
Pixabay Gallery / Galeria de Pixabay


The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @ross92 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

It does look like the path to peace. You manage to convey that sensation very well. It is a beautiful collage.

Thank you for using my rock in this attractive piece. Good luck this week, @ross92