LMAC196: Globalism

in Let's Make a Collage β€’ 4 months ago

Hello everyone! πŸ˜ŽπŸ“·

Sunday is my day for photo manipulation and here's an entry to the Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 196 - 35 HIVE in the Prize Pool!

The first thought that came to my mind when I saw the house in the basic photo was that someone must be looking through the windows. Good. But what should they be looking at? Well, that's a slightly more difficult question.
I linked this to the UNHCR - the UN Refugee Agency - report, which says the number of displaced people worldwide this year is the highest ever. Around 110 million people! What a huge number! And most of them because of armed conflict and violence. Is this the globalization we want? Expectations that tensions would stabilize were completely wrong.

So the inhabitants of the house (or should I even say indigenous people) watch from a distance, through the windows, the crowds of unhappy people who, tired, frustrated, slowly getting fed up with everything, are trying to get to their better tomorrow which was supposed to be a symbol of freedom and prosperity, but where what they have imagined is not waiting for them anymore.

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

Sources for the collage



LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @redheadpei.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @ddn688.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @seckorama.

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

The creation process

I made the collage in Photoshop.
First, I changed the background from the base image, leaving the house and adding the symbolic element.
The other objects I first edited and then layered into the base image.

Hope you have fun!

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LMAC2020 | LMAC2021 | LMAC2022 I LMAC2023

My contribution to LIL - LMAC Image Library

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Thank you in advance.

πŸ“· 😎 πŸ“·

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Β 4 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

It is said that some people lock all the windows as soon as they have a closer look outside and put an even better locker in the door.
At least, that's what I've heard …

That's true in some cases, some people are like that, but some people discreetly peek in. from a distance, at least it seems that way to me. Otherwise, neither you nor I can change anything, the players in geopolitics play their own game, and we can only be mute witnesses and watch this world we have known change in it own way.

When the pieces you are trying to use refuse to play, no one is in a position to authoritatively decide the game. It's up to us. We can all too easily be put in a tube and used as a lubricant. We should deny the madmen at the levers the wet support that they need.

Yes, but change happens in two ways, and I do not like either of them. Either it's authoritarian and you end up with blood running when the mass goes wild, or on the other hand, it's slow-cooking the frog to the boiling point when you realize you're cooked. What are you going to do? Because you're not going to be out of it when something happens.

Unfortunately, we have lost the ability to take responsibility and handle it wisely. Our compass seems to be our inner resentment, which always prevents us from finding well-thought-out solutions.
To give sarcasm a chance: Democracy is the potato for whose savoury preparation we don't seem to have found the right recipe yet.

There go the Venezuelans, looking for a better future.

I confess that if my age were 20 years younger, there I would be in the crowd looking for the dream that was taken away from us.

Looking for a new beginning where I can eat well, go to the beach and live an old age in dignity.


Don't be embarrassed. We have lived the same way here, and now this new government, which is far to the far left, is leading us towards a total collapse of individualism and free initiative. But, we will get out of it, and so will you.
Do not expect anything radical to change. A few people will grab all the wealth of society and the rest will get nothing.


I think this one is brilliant. Of course, the reaction of viewers will depend on their attitude toward refugees and world conflict.

Sometimes I get an impression in my head of the privileged countries being on a great ship and all the poor and displaced in the world trying to get on. Surely the situation is unendurable. Not only is it morally unsustainable, but physically, how long can the privileged keep everyone else at bay?

A great collage.

Thank you very much. I agree that it all depends on the audience and their attitude to this issue. It is also true that the situation is unsustainable, and I have no idea how long it will last, but the fact is that it is happening before our eyes and there is not much we can do about it. But if you look more closely, this house is also falling apart and needs renovation...

A very clever collage! Congratulations @seckorama!

Thank you very much.

Amazing creation. With Lady Liberty in the background, your collage reminds me of all the immigrants coming into the U.S.A. to start a new life.

Thanks for including my lil image in the line of people. 😊

Thank you for stopping by. Yes, I've used the Statue of Liberty as a symbol for immigrants, but I don't mean only the USA but mostly the EU because I'm watching this every day.

Yes, I see what you mean with the movement of so many people leaving their homeland and trying to start a new life in new countries.

I just hope the rising levels of armed conflicts and violence across the world will decrease significantly and we will have lesser cases of such displacements. I think your collage is creative and would have a good chance in the contest. Have a great day.

Thank you for your good wishes for the contest. 😎

Kudos to you for your meaningful collage.
I like the faces in the window, the detailing.
We wish you the best of luck in the contest.

When I thought about the topic of globalization, I was reminded of the song "We are the world".

I can see Michael Jackson in there too, I miss him.

Thank you very much for the comment and the song.

This is a stunning collage I must confess. They are looking great

Thank you. I was trying to show a part of the reality that we are witnessing here.

This collage is fantastic
It clearly shows how the world leaders treat the masses
You’re very right on this
I love it!

Thank you. It's true, the world leaders who run geopolitics have a very different view of globalization than the masses.

An excellent collage with a message of reflection.


Thank you very much for your comment. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

Yay! πŸ€—
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That's great collage!


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