LMAC #89 - Summer dream


On a sunny summer's day, a panorama opens up on the beach between the rocks, where the sea battles with the sky for who is bluer, while heavy clouds remain motionless, waiting for the wind to bring them to frame other summer panoramas.

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To partecipate to the contest follow the link:
LMAC - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 89


Un assolato giorno d'estate, in spiaggia tra gli scogli si apre un panorama, dove il mare battaglia con il cielo per chi sia più azzurro, mentre pesanti nuvoloni restano immobili in attesa del vento che li porti a far da cornice di altri panorami estivi.


It is striking how the panorama opens up while the rocks ideally act as a curtain, the shape of the clouds is quite curious and fills the frame and imposes their presence as if they wanted to steal the scene from the woman. (ITA) E' d'effetto come si apre il panorama mentre le rocce fanno idealmente da sipario, poi la forma delle nuvole è alquanto curiosa e riempie l'inquadratura ed impone la loro presenza come a voler rubare la scena alla donna di spalle.

Hello @spt-skillup. Your entry is lovely. A perfect day with a clear blue sky with which to enjoy the view from the rocks.

Take care and. Good luck.

thanks, your are invited to sail on my yacht whenever you want

As long as we don't go too far from the shore, lolol





@spt-skillup, you've been given LUV from @justclickindiva.

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