(ENG/ESP) Let's Make a Collage -Round 192: The perfect life / La vida perfecta

in Let's Make a Collage8 months ago


Hello all collage lovers! Here I am again participating in one of the most creative contests on the platform, in its round #192 . As always, I lean towards the use of color, obtaining this result:


Thinking about what I could create with the image provided by the community, I began to review the gallery and as always, I selected the images that caught the most attention. Using the Photoshop program, I placed them in the places that seemed best to me.

lmac 192.jpg

At first, I thought about just using sepia tones. But inevitably I got carried away with the use of color. I really like art based on the themes of dreamcore and weirdcore, which deal with bizarre arts. So I thought about developing something with those themes.

lmac 192_.jpg

In this way, we have the player taking part in the game "The Perfect Life", a simulated game where you have the opportunity to live an extraordinary life so perfect that there will come a point at which you will not be able to know how to escape from it. For the final effects, I used the app Vaporgram.

lmac 192_by suezoe.jpg

Thank you very much for visiting my publication. I hope you found it interesting.

Until next time!



¡Hola a todos los amantes de los collages! Aquí estoy de nuevo participando en uno de los concursos más creativos de la plataforma, en su ronda #192. Como siempre, me inclino por el uso del color, obteniendo éste resultado:


Pensando en lo que podía elaborar junto a la imagen brindada por la comunidad, comencé a revisar la galería y como siempre, seleccioné las imágenes que más llamaron la atención. A través del programa Photoshop, ubiqué las mismas en los lugares que me parecían mejores.

lmac 192.jpg

Al principio, pensé en sólo utilizar tonos sepias. Pero inevitablemente me dejé llevar por el uso del color. Me gusta mucho el arte basado en los temas del dreamcore y weirdcore, los cuales abordan artes bizarros. Pensé entonces en elaborar algo con esas temáticas.

lmac 192_.jpg

De éste modo, tenemos al jugador formando parte del juego "La vida perfecta", un simulado en donde tienes la oportunidad de vivir una vida extraordinaria y tan perfecta, que llegará un punto en el cual, no podrás saber cómo escapar de él. Para los efectos finales, utilicé la app Vaporgram.

lmac 192_by suezoe_.jpg

Muchas gracias por haber visitado mi publicación. Espero que les haya parecido interesante.

¡Hasta una próxima oportunidad!


LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @borjan.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @anibal-aa.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @anibal-aa.


Can't tell you how delightful I find this collage. I love the snail, the texture, the color. It's like entering a virtual universe, but a nice one.

You really dress up that picture. I can't draw but I used Paint and Gimp programs to dredge up from memory an impression of my childhood house. How nice to see what you've done with it:)

Thank you for using that and other LIL images (I do love that snail 😇). Good luck this week, @suezoe

How I love your comments! Seriously, every time I start a collage, I have an idea that takes shape as I start playing with the program and the images, so even if I'm totally convinced it's finished, I'm not sure how they'll see it the others at the end. So knowing your opinion is really comforting 🤗 A while ago, I came across your image in the gallery and I had plans to use it, but I hadn't found the right time. I'm glad you liked how it was implemented in the collage. It is a beautiful image, I love the "gloomy" effect it has, it is charming 😚 If I find the opportunity, I will use it again because it makes the imagination fly 😉 Thank you very much for coming to see the collage, for commenting and for your good wishes 😘💚


Como siempre extraño pero atrayente collage! Me encanta el color y la estética antigua con el monitor y las referencias a las primeras computadoras, esta increíble! Gran trabajo! Mucho éxito en esta ronda!

¡Amiga! Adoro la estética de 8 bits y más mezclada con temas tétricos. El monitor me recordó a uno que teníamos en casa y los juegos bizarros que tenía esa computadora 😆 Me alegra mucho que te gustase. Gracias por comentar y por acercarte a verlo 🤗💚



ja ja Gracias por acercarte a verlo 🤗💚
