Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 40

Hello dear friends;

This is my participation this week, a beautiful submerged dolphin, they are very interesting and pleasant animals to meet, one way to get food is using sound waves.

To give it personality, involve it in an apple-shaped aquarium with oxygen bubbles and sound wave channels.


Original Image


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@tormenta Tu idea de la manzana está genial

Muchas gracias amiga.

Interesting. Looks to me like a hand holding a magic apple in which the sea is captured.

The contest allows us to awaken our creativity, that's why I really like it.

I love the way you place the dolphin as an observer. The concept of the sound waves is incorporated so artfully and intelligently into the design. Your pieces are always a blend of art and concept. Beautiful!

What an honor mine, knowing that you like my collage, thank you very much @agmoore

Hola amiga muy original tu collage te felicito

Hola amigo, muchas gracias.