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RE: LMAC #36: Animal Astronauts

in Let's Make a Collage4 years ago (edited)

Dear AG,
It's always fascinating to see what associations a photo awakens in you. The result of your creative work is once again a great collage!

Thank you for at the same time drawing attention to the cruel fate of these space pioneers. A very sad chapter in space exploration. 😥

Warm regards,

Edit: Unfortunately dpoll does not work for me at the moment. I will try again later.


Dear @vieanna,🌼
Thank you for visiting my blog! I'm so glad you like the collage/post. It is amazing, the way our minds make connections. I think that's the idea of 'flow'. If we stop consciously working and let our minds free, strange things happen. I think I spend a lot of time in 'flow' :)))
The animals: once we become aware of their distress, it's hard to turn away. Startling to think there was a time when these experiments were conducted without challenge by the public. I guess in some ways, most of us have evolved for the better.
You make me happy with your comment--I appreciate your attempt to vote. As you might guess, the outcome of the ballot is not as important to me as it might be to some in the contest. (Although I do love getting the votes 😊) The most gratifying is feedback from my readers. To that I am quite sensitive.
Wishing you joy, peace and health.
Your New York friend who approaches the coming season 🌟 with optimism,

Dear AG,
I also feel that we are connected to each other in a mental way and that feels good. 🌝

I like the idea of flow. When I'm completely absorbed in something, oblivious of time and space, I sometimes experience this delightful state.

The aim of research, to generate new knowledge is a desirable one. However, if research is carried out on the basis of animal experiments, this is done at the expense of sentient beings. To justify new knowledge with the suffering of animals is ethically problematic

As far as LMAC goes, I know you don't participate in this contest mainly to win. But I'd have liked to give you my vote as a sign of appreciation for your work.

I like to be inspired by your optimism. 🌟 All the best, stay fit and healthy.

Affectionately, 🌷

I'd have liked to give you my vote as a sign of appreciation for your work.🌟

🌹 🍁 🌞🍁🌹