Imprisoned in silence and pain - LMAC Contest Round 118

When you see the photo I posted, I am going to bring everyone inside my imagination. That's about a woman who is imprisoned with venomous beasts inside. But, not only that, there is another hidden meaning in this collage, namely the feeling of a woman's heart being hurt by the person she loves. Here he looks frustrated and hurt like being bitten by a venomous animal and feels lonely in a crowd.

By the way, about the photo material that I use in my collage, I've also included it below and I've set the beneficiary for the LMAC Community 20% and for the LIL contributor @borjan 2%. Thanks to all of you for the support.
Contributed by @shaka as base image

Contributed to the
#LIL by @borjan.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @borjan.

Contributed to the
#LIL by @borjan.