
That looks nice... how many people do you expect to recieve the badge. We can list it once it's close. Right now it looks like there are only 4

Cool, I'd say to start at least 25. I would be for those that are active and post more than once using the foodie tag as well as curators. Looking for active community members. Might "gamify" getting the badge :-) as well.

OK let us know when it's around that number and ready

Sweet! All good to go, we've got 27 in there at the moment. Likely to rise as we go.

Great actually one last thing... this is an account for a BADGE not a community.
Can you write what the badge is for there. Like who gets the badge... so users know why they're getting the badge

Ah yup, that makes sense. Updated it to :

A Badge for your support of the Foodie community. Actively share your food delights with the foodie tag and earn your Badge!

Perfect your badge is now being added