Website tricks you need to follow.

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Dear Hivers

You don't have the time or the money.

That's what most entrepreneurs say when you talk to them about content. You too ? It is because you are not yet convinced of the usefulness of editorial marketing. Think of it as an investment - especially time. Think long term. And if the ROI is not immediate, in the end you will be amply rewarded for all your efforts. Because content marketing is the glue of any lasting customer relationship . Start the conversation, keep the dialogue going. Your customers will appreciate it and the sales will follow.


You are unique. Show it off!

What sets you apart from your competition? Why would a customer come to you instead of the neighbor? Look and ask around, think until you find the angle of attack. It's essential. You must be able to say in a few simple words what makes you unique. It must become your mantra. Like an incantation that would punctuate all your communications. Each message will be approached from the same angle. My mantra? Make marketing and communication accessible to SMEs and the self-employed.

You have to get the best content.

The means of communicating are many and varied: a video, a blog, interactive experiences, online conferences, etc. What is your comfort zone? Are you comfortable in front of a camera, do you have a beautiful voice, do you have a feather? What tone characterizes you best? Serious or pretty cool? In short, to be credible and convincing, your communication must look like you .

Think visually and dynamically.

Use images and videos, especially when sharing on social media. These images will help you tell your story. People are reading less and less. Illustrate your point to get their attention.
Keep an eye on what others are doing. What are your competitors saying? Learn from others. If you don't have direct competitors, take inspiration from other industries.

Be curious about everything.

Use multiple sources of information. This will enrich your content. Never stop listening. Have a Twitter account, create Google Alerts, subscribe to groups on LinkedIn, or follow some curation feeds on (I'll come back to these tools later). These are great ways to stay on top of trends and the market.

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PROJECT #HOPE An Initiative to give hope!

Original Post - projecthope-a-great-multidisciplinary-team by lanzjoseg

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Credit: doze


Very useful tips you have dropped. Thank for sharing this

Hi dear friend @adityajainxds

Use multiple sources of information. This will enrich your content

It's like that friend, you are the information you receive and you can only transmit the information you receive, if that information is of quality you will create quality content so you should look for that quality content and manage your time well

Always push yourself to improve and you will see the snowball effect.