The New Entrepreneurship Race 🏁

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The same way a lot of things are changing very fast in this generation is the same way that the act of entrepreneurship is also changing, the trending entrepreneurship style of those days is no longer available in this generation. It has been realized even more now that entrepreneurs are the major driving force in a society, they make more jobs available for a large percentage of individuals and they generate more revenue for the nation’s economy as well.


Better loan offers for entrepreneurs.

In this age, government grants and loans for entrepreneurs have become even more common, a lot of government grant schemes is now placed out in order to help entrepreneurs have a better way to run business and also earn profit.

A better ground for men and women to compete.

Initially the entrepreneurship world was filled with men alone leaving the women behind to cater for the activities of the home but in this generation women are found to have become leaders of prominent organizations and are doing excellently well just like the male gender. This generation has discovered that it is important to help women get educated about entrepreneurship in order to reduce poverty especially in African nations.

Collaboration between different companies.

It is now a norm for different organizations to come together and form a team in order to get governmental grants or other contracts, small organizations can join with larger organizations to become a team, this was not very common back in the days but we see things like this everywhere now.

A new method of marketing.

The method of marketing is now different from the usual traditional form of marketing, marketing has been shifted extensively to social media platforms, a lot of traffic is currently been generated through social media advertising schemes and so many entrepreneurs are building their company on different social media platforms.

Advanced technological options.

With the use of technology, the entire entrepreneurship system has changed totally, entrepreneurs initially needed to move from one doorstep to another in order to get prospective clients but the use of technology has made things much more convenient, all that is required is a mobile device that has internet connection and from the comfort of an office space a very large percentage of humans can get the needed information.

A fair room for young entrepreneurs.

Initially entrepreneurship was for middle aged adults, but now we have a great number of young entrepreneurs who are massively moving their respective chosen market place, the world has given more space to young entrepreneurs who are more vibrant to carry out a given task.


Hello @ajewa
Everything is changing, and young people are increasingly taking advantage of technology. I recently started to have contact with a young trader, he is only 22 years old, and he is literally a professional

Yes friend a lot of people are getting really smart and are waking up to the reality behind smart technology which is a good news.

Hello friend, the truth is that we cannot buy our parents' time with ours, and it will continue to happen, times change and new opportunities appear. Today technology is fundamental and many people do not know how to use it because they are not of this era.

Taking advantage of new technologies will help us become even more smart.