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RE: Our destiny, an enigma already deciphered or to be deciphered / General Opinion

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings dear friend @rbalzan79,your article is very interesting, I think that we forge destiny with our actions, we are what we do, who does not project into the future may think that everything that happens is part of destiny and will be surprised by everything that happens. I believe in God and I also think that we cannot leave everything in his hands, we must have criteria and know where we want to go and with whom.

See you later brother, blessings and successes for this year 2021.


Greetings dear friend @amestyj, thank you for such an important contribution, in fact when observing our horizon we must be clear that we are the builders of our intrinsic destiny, beyond the external events that occur around us, which can affect us but it is there our work of perseverance.
Many blessings and successes for you and your family. Greetings.