Cultural marketing

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Cultural marketing" is a definition that explains the strategy to disseminate the proposed projects of organizations or institutions that have culture as their objective and functions. The cultural milieu in many countries has traditionally been a bit elite, due to the influence of the power of knowledge, which has presented it in this way. People with an advantage in terms of mastery of culture are usually a kind of reference and this includes having power over certain decisions in other areas.


Therefore, in order to carry out and consolidate an adequate cultural marketing, it is necessary to know firsthand the appropriate channels to reach these people in a way that is pleasant to them and that does not cause objections in the language or semantic structure of the same, respecting the different tones and cultural levels of this public at the same time with the use of diverse research techniques -qualitative or quantitative- which collaborate to really know the profile of the potential consumer masses of an organization with cultural purposes. That is to say, the tools that defines very well this characteristic consumer of culture and which are the appropriate communication codes to reach his interest.


There is a term that is the cultural environment, which defines all the norms, customs, codes that surround an individual and guide their relationship with it. That is, each person has a different cultural environment, which makes this a very particular space and sometimes difficult to access to establish dialogues with expected responses. Cultural marketing understands this and adjusts its proposals to such diverse cultural environments, arriving with a message that is basically descriptive of the product it wishes to make known or position, resorting to the so-called standard strategies so as not to cause noise among the different layers of effective cultural level. There is another environment with fewer rigors which is the natural environment, the one that refers to the environment, fauna, flora, common living spaces.



It has been generalized that everything that has the cultural seal is boring and with little dynamism. The cultural marketing has the challenge to change this perspective and achieve in the public the promotion of cultural products of high consumption, applying strategies such as creating the need. Culture can be taken as a means to perform intelligence exercises, inner peace or new knowledge, all these messages can be used in a proper marketing and make a rigorous description of the brand whether it is a theater, a book, a forum, a workshop among others. Cultural products should be conceived not as special but as products with very high quality that should be consumed by everyone, however the strategic lines of action to position them in the innermost would be directed to that niche market related to spheres of power of knowledge.


To give dynamism to cultural marketing, it must be accompanied by other disciplines such as: planning, event organization, conservation. There will be little room for action on the product; in most cases, it is established solely by the artist and his creativity. The task of marketing will be to integrate it to give it accessibility, understanding, respecting its essence. And to make use of the disciplines mentioned to give it a framework of sociability, so that such personal creativity reaches the masses without losing its essence and in a reliable, trustworthy and joyful way, crossing the walls to make the intangible tangible and that human expression at its highest levels reaches everyone, also contributing to fill social spaces with cultural products is a contribution to the development as a society of the peoples.