Is Trading Gambling?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

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This is a question that never goes away. Now that most of us are into cryptos, in one way or another trading cryptos. And there are some of us who treat it not just an exchange from one currency to another, making a profit by playing the odds and making profits (or loss) in the process.

The age-old debate whether it is really a sound business idea or just an addictive where almost 90% you'll be at the losing end. The best way is to get the thoughts of the people who are actually doing it. It is like if you really desire to be an Olympian athlete, go ask an Olympian athlete himself. How do they do it? Asking just anyone else of course would say that being an Olympian is next to impossible and that it would be too difficult for you to accomplish.

So let's listen to the thoughts of two YouTubers who are into trading. These are the channels I always listen to, every time I want to learn about a thing or two on the subject of trading.

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I am using this crypto trading bot to automate my earnings. Try it for FREE! Just click the image below.

And if you have not done it yet, please join with me and sign up on the trusted crypto exchanges below. You'll love it, I promise you.


