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RE: What would happen to your crypto if you died tomorrow?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I have thought about this a lot my self. It is difficult to hand keys over without compromising security. I use an application called LastPass which has a premium service will send out an email to a family member showing them how to access some of my portfolios. As long as you check-in it assumes you are alive so if you don't check-in, it will send out the email. It stores an encrypted file with some private keys with some instructions. However, I didn't risk using it with all my cold storage due to security concerns. There is probably no perfect option.


Wow, I didn't know about this premium function in Last Pass :) I am going to check it out and read more about it! Sounds interesting.

There are other after death emailer services too that will send out an email if you don't check in.