in Project HOPE3 years ago

Security Analysts say that delicate personal information of close to half a billion users of Facebook was leaked on a well-known hacking forum earlier yesterday.

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This poses a risk to many who trade and hodle cryptocurrency. There is the possibility of sim swapping and other cyberattacks.

Sim swaps have become very popular among cybercriminals in recent years.
Alon Gal, Chief Technology Officer of Hudson (a security firm) was the first to discover this.

A post on Twitter talking about the leak was posted by Rock

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Alon Gal says the leak has a lot to do with a security risk that was found in 2019. User’s phones have been accessed with information hackers were able to get earlier this year.

The information that has become accessible to the hackers include numbers, Facebook ID, Names, Locations, Date of Birth, Emails, Relationship Status, Bios, and others.

Cybercriminals usually use this information for social manipulation and other cybercriminal activities that in the past have caused losses.

Alon Gal puts it this way

“Bad actors will certainly use the information for social engineering, scamming, hacking, and marketing.”

People who use cryptocurrency are especially at risk of these attacks. At the beginning of the year, a sim-swap victim took T-Mobile, a mobile phone company to court due to a loss of $450,000 or 15 Bitcoin at the time.

Another case was when Kaspersky Labs found a hacker stole 21,000 ETH which is currently worth $43 million from social engineering cyber attacks in a period of a year.

In the Ledger hack late last year fewer people were affected. The information that was leaked online had 270,000 users' information and leaked information also contained over a million email addresses from those who subscribed to the Ledger’s newsletter.

There were many threats by extortionists and lawsuits were deliberated against the hardware wallet company.


Hi @belemo

Wow 500 million users seeing their private and social information compromised is not at all good for this conventional web 2.0 platform, beyond the hack Facebook will have to find a good excuse to justify this unfortunate situation.

Best regards, be well.

This is why I never tell fakebook anything true.

Our personal information is a kind of asset that we should always keep in safe place and should not be disclosed on the public domain but when because of any hack such information is shared on the public space then it becomes highly risky. recent Facebook hack is one of the biggest example that has broad the risk of loss for many users who are affected.

yeah and for some reason, people still go back to facebook

The way facebook is handling their user data is really bad, I don't just know what to say. I think people can file law suit against them since such act is against their knowledge.

 3 years ago (edited) 

@tipu curate 2

I see that the posts in the Project Hope community are being set to 50% beneficiary of a Project Hope account and then the main Project Hope account is then upvoting those posts to a high value. I see this as the owners of the Project Hope accounts using the community's posts to vote on themselves for profit (beyond normal curation rewards) and my downvote is to help remove the profitability of the scheme. My downvote means nothing personal about you or your post. You've done nothing wrong.

I suggest to the owners of the Project Hope accounts that they discontinue this scheme because it's going to result in downvotes on their community members' posts like this.

Thanks for explaining it to me and I totally appreciate the feedback. It hurts to be downvoted but at the same time, I respect your opinion.