The Dribbled One : A Sports Freewrite Poetry.

in Project HOPE2 years ago

They remain forgotten
The dribbled ones
Each pass they miss, unsung boys
Assist on the pitch
Retiring without a win
No gold or medal to clinch
A loss at all side
Tean relegated all time
Will a major league change things
Give this boy a medal to hold
Perhaps change his fold
Team, country, sold for loan
A move might help
Big team can buy his leg
The exposure is needed
To win, make name, be awarded
The dribbled ones
Always forgotten.
Stars in the pitch
Accolades ringing
Skills in shinning armour
Golden Boot blinking
All eyes on him
Who won all the league
The dribbled look sane
Jealousy inside him rage
Perhaps ill make a name
He dropped past the star
Fumbled and went afar
Shame ridden
The dribbled one moved on
The pitch never bear record
They ring for the win.