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RE: Family unity allows us to better face difficulties / Personal reflection

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Greetings @rbalzan79, today I consider that the family union must be at a very high level because if all together with love, dedication and perseverance we all move towards the same side things will be easier. In these times of crisis like the one we are living in Venezuela being united as a family helps to alleviate the family burden, coincidentally a few days ago a friend took his life because of the difficult situation we are living, the trigger for him to take that decision was that his wife and children migrated leaving him alone, that is why we must consolidate in our families the family values so that in times of difficulty we all help each other. Excellent reflection.


Hi @carlir.

Totally agree with you, the family union will allow us to be stronger and face a certain difficulty in the best possible way, and as you express in these times in Venezuela even more. Greetings.