Can we establish new paradigms derived from distance education?

in Project HOPE4 years ago



I really think that an event of such magnitude in terms of health and sanitation as covid-19 has come to this society in a sudden way to perhaps be able to generate a new educational paradigm in which the modality to be able to give classes at different levels is that of distance learning.

Within this approach to the development of a new educational paradigm, I believe that higher education is the one that stands out most in this possible new philosophy, since it is where more questions arise about whether quality education can be feasible under this new scenario.

Perhaps many of you are wondering:

what might be those questions that mark the beginning of a possible new paradigm?

One of the biggest fears that the education system may face at the higher level may be to think about the following:

Will the distance education system continue after the crisis?

In my opinion and perception, this is a question that involves several answers, all depending on the results that can be had during this period of time in which the covid-19 pandemic is active.

The environment of teachers and students who have a concept of socialization of education will certainly not see in a good way that in the future may dominate a distance education system, however these people under this approach will surely have their detractors, because if you see good results in some countries, especially those that have and have good technological tools and electricity service to address this condition of distance education will try to implement some pragmatic educational model that provides distance education even when even all this disease of covid-19 has ended.

In order to take a balance and not tip a strong vote in favor of any possible radical action, I think it would be best to take a combination of the best of both systems, that is, the best of face-to-face education and the best of distance education.

Another question that will undoubtedly arise today is whether the already established distance education will be able to bring about some considerable changes in the future?

To answer this question we must extrapolate the situation of the pandemic to other places in our society, that is to say many of us have already seen that the covid-19 pandemic will undoubtedly leave many changes related to our current lifestyle, therefore I believe that distance education will generate certain educational changes at a higher level.

The governments and institutions of the world will have to keep up with the technological challenge and the resources involved in constant technological renewal and innovation in order to address distance and quality education. Therefore, we can be convinced that this pandemic may be a precedent for both society and government to be able to meet the new challenges that are coming.

Now to close this cycle of questions that make establish a system of paradigms associated to a reality of university distance education I must touch a last question:

In the event that a situation such as the current covid-19 occurs in the future and we have to spend more time at home, how can distance education be improved?

I think that the challenge to improve distance education will depend on the situation in which each educational system finds itself, it will also depend on the economic situation and the resources that each country can count on, for example in my country Venezuela, without a doubt the biggest challenge that can be faced is to establish a national electrical system that can cover the current demand and in this way be able to count on the availability in the use of the necessary technological tools, among these: use of smart phones, table, televisions, computers, Internet, among others.


Perhaps one of the lessons learned in this covid-19 pandemic is the fact that distance education is most likely to leave a learning where we learn to value resources, since the must be that with distance education we can save resources in transportation, human resources, use of stationery, since digital tools would help minimize costs. It is very easy to appreciate today how online learning as we knew it in the past is changing the way we see education, mainly because this mode of distance education and using digital tools should reduce costs and become more accessible to the public. Something that is not yet seen in practice, because we are practically using it out of a mere circumstantial need, let's hope that it can really transcend and see the lessons learned that this can leave us with in the future.


Before the pandemic, many schools were already offering open and distance learning, but the pandemic ushered in a new wave in distance learning. In my opinion, I think even after the pandemic, distance learning may still be sustained to some extent because of other advantages it has over the traditional classroom settings.
Well, we'll just keep our minds open and see what the future brings.

Nice piece buddy

Your position is very important, my friend, because the wisdom of the people always marks the destiny of societies, perhaps what you say are the first premises to mark a new educational paradigm. Greetings and thank you for commenting.

In my opinion I have no doubt that distance education is here to stay, and in fact I think it will be perfected and we will start doing more activities remotely, such as virtual parties, walks, etc.

Very important friend that we are ready to accept the new changes, hopefully the adaptation to these new changes are for the good of humanity. Greetings and thank you for commenting.

Sometimes I wonder what and how the educational system will look like after these crises.

Will it still maintain it's standard based in educational sector, will things return back to normal in educational sector. These questions keep coming for me to answer

Whether everything will be normal as before will depend on how we act in the face of the pandemic, the ability to find a vaccine for this disease, the ability of technology, science and medicine to provide solutions, all this would impact greatly on how education will be executed in the future, without doubt I think the covid-19 pandemic has completely changed the vision of traditional education.

 4 years ago  

Dude, the changes were too abrupt for the children. but you are very right there are many things that could be learned from this terrible situation.

There is no doubt that the education of children is the most affected, we need to be prepared for the future in this type of situation. Greetings and thank you for commenting.