New technologies and higher education focused on ICTs | Analysis

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Greetings friends and followers of my blog.

In this opportunity I want to share with all of you my own analysis related to new technologies and higher education, especially taking into account the application of information and communication technologies (ICT).


The addition and integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Latin American and worldwide universities is necessary if we see it from a perspective where education at the university level demands a condition of quality improvement both for the training of teachers in new technological tools and for the development of meaningful learning by students.

There are many technological tools that we have available today that help the development and growth of the study and application of ICT in our universities, we have computers, telecommunications, which in one way or another have encouraged university education to innovate in relation to proposed achievements such as:

  • Effective information exchange.
  • Considerable improvement in the various communication processes that lead to a more genuine and authentic teaching-learning.

In general, these tools and others have contributed to the constant stimulation of technological innovation.


From my personal perspective, I think that the use and application of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education at the university level should have different approaches, among which I would like to highlight:

1] As a didactic resource: As a university teacher, it is necessary to evolve towards a less abstract and more understandable form, breaking with the classic paradigms, and where all technological resources that drive the didactic and innovative must be constantly tested to see if there are considerable changes.

2] ICTs must be part of our curricular models: Not only is the application of ICTs important in this last stage of education as it is the university, but it is important that each student receives all the necessary knowledge in their undergraduate programs about everything related to the use and application of ICTs.

3] Communication media: the media chosen to transmit the teaching is a key point for us as teachers, since much of the information taught in our universities are complex, so the information you want to convey has to flow freely, the use of audiovisual resources complemented by demonstrations in class can be effective.

Conclusion and contribution

In short, information and communication technologies (ICT) can be prepared and designed to respond to various training needs, either in person or at a distance, since it reduces spatial-temporal distance and psychosocial distance, in addition to facilitating meaningful and constructive learning.

In this era of pandemic, the use of these tools takes a leading role since they serve to complement that face-to-face education that cannot be executed due to the social forty that we must fulfill until the situation and normalization of the covid-19 is normalized.

In relation to the learning that can be obtained will depend on the dynamism that is applied and the constant monitoring of the results obtained with the use of ICT.



In today's world, new gadgets and technologies are constantly emerging to help us learn, work. This is very convenient.

Posted Using Aeneas.Blog

Hello @carlos84, the use of ICTs should be according to each level of study.
Although currently this technology has become indispensable for everyone. Product of the pandemic.

These technologies should be used as a complement to traditional education, because of the pandemic we have seen its widespread adoption, however the education professional needs the tools and knowledge necessary to take advantage of these tools.

I second this motion. I just wish Africa could speed up its no more money business politics policies and wed be swinging right behind on this tree of success

hi dear @carlos84 the world has evolved in all aspects, education must do it, I can predict that in the future teachers will be more virtual, these resources that you mention will be used more

Hello @carlos84

Certainly with the arrival and integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the universities of Latin America and the world, university education has taken favorable and avant-garde steps, which in one way or another, in addition to facilitating the teaching and learning process, has consolidated the processes of technical innovation in all areas of scientific knowledge. Thank you for sharing this interesting approach.

it is impressive the leap that this technology made during the pandemic, one of the best examples is zoom or whatsapp that improved their services and are including new tools, today people are educating themselves using this technology as a support and the truth is that it is impressive.