What approach is emerging in the face of the current eminent economic crisis resulting from the covid-19 pandemic?

in Project HOPE4 years ago


In the past, when economic and financial crises have attacked international economies, companies, governments and people in general have had to focus on generating a national public debate specific to each country. However, I believe that a debate of the same proportions could be propitious today, only that it could be at a global level, perhaps it could be focused around the different philosophies of whether capitalism is usually the form of government that can solve the economic problems of the most unprotected, or if on the contrary it will continue to enrich those who have more.

Without a doubt, before the covid-19 pandemic, in many countries of the planet there was already a need to carry out important and urgent transformations in order to restructure and configure new scenarios with which to generate a new world economic order, and now this need is felt more strongly, since many of us are asking ourselves


What fate awaits the world economy after covid-19?

Today we find ourselves under a scenario that was unimaginable if we thought about it 10 years ago. Today we cannot deny that the existing inability to socialize and work has caused the world economy to collapse in our eyes.

This is a crisis generated by a health situation that once again calls into question the origins of capitalism and economic development as we know it. Today, when we already thought that everything was clear in terms of the economy and the way in which our governments manage our goods, we unfortunately have to return to the initial point of departure and begin the discussion on the relations between the economy, society and the state that resulted from the neoliberal policies of the end of the last century.


As much as we have to ignore these three points: economy, society and state, the current event of this health crisis brings us to a debate that clarifies many points, because as we have seen in many world news, despite the pandemic there are many companies that do not want to lose millions of dollars and refuse to close their businesses, while the neediest people are left in the dark because they do not receive any social assistance that would cause governments with a neoliberal mentality to incur expenses, not to mention governments that call themselves socialists and end up being simply populists and want to remain in power by malpractice of what would be a true system that could correctly administer these three elements:

  • Economy.

  • Society.

  • State.

Let us hope that the entities that have the means to participate in this sense of integration in a new world debate, such as governments, academies, people in general and many non-governmental institutions, can join in the debate on the transformation of an economy that can better respond to the interests of the most needy people and that the challenges that we can pose to ourselves as a society to solve the post-COVID-19 economic recession.

In the past, there has always been talk of the two models that govern the world: capitalism and socialism, but neither of these has been able to provide a convincing response on issues of equality, social justice, a stable economy and a relationship of some political and economic model that we can reinvent together, and when I say all of them I mean academic economists, universities, philosophers, intellectuals, but above all the participation of the common citizen so that finally the people can establish a healthy relationship with the ecosystem that surrounds them.

Let us all be involved in the construction of a new approach and economic and participatory vision in how the world economy should be redirected after the covid-19 pandemic stabilizes, without a doubt that this whole health crisis will make us recompose in many parts of today's society, and without a doubt the economy will be a prominence in this recomposition.


Your last paragraph really got me. The construction of a new approach to better our economy rests on the shoulders of everyone and not just the government. We may not have been able to prevent the economy from dwindling due to the pandemic but we can join hands to rebuild it again.

Nice piece buddy

Thank you my dear friend @samminator for your valuable comment. Greetings and blessings to you.

Es tiempo de reconciliación y de unir esfuerzos para remar en la misma dirección. Esta situación debe servirnos para reflexionar y ver las cosas como las veníamos haciendo y que debemos cambiar para mejorar el rumbo.

Así mismo es mi estimado amigo preciso es empezar a reconstruir todo bajo la era post covid-19, sobre todo la economía, orientarla hacia un nuevo modelo donde realmente los desprotegidos de este mundo sean verdaderamente beneficiados. Saludos y gracias por comentar.

We will undoubtably see even more change in the year ahead. It may very well be of historic proportion. Just consider the internal turmoil and border conflicts throughout the world.

People rarely get what I'm talking about in that of a new model that is not as limited as capitalism or socialism. It is one of empowerment where the best of multiple systems become possible in an interconnected world.

This is particularly friendly if I understand what you are talking about, that is to say, working in an economic system that has the best of each of the models that are extremist and that have failed, would be the best, these debates would be very good. I salute you and thank you for your comments.