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RE: TRON supporters silently working on a MLM model

in Project HOPE4 years ago

MLM models leverage the network effect and yes it has a bad rep but it could be a good way to onboard people as long as they don't have to invest too much and continue to invest, a $50 in crypto I think is worth trying out for anyone

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


MLM is just cleaner name for pyramid scam... Like I explained in my other comment, there is nothing good in scamming people.

I do agree that MOST MLMs are scams, and I'm NOT defending the practice, in fact I think its lazy and I don't like it but if 30% of your revenue comes from onboarding users or less, then you're still legally in the clear. It's not to say its a successful model other than making the early people rich, but a pyramid scheme is more the majority of revenue or all revenue comes from new people and not legitimate sales

I remember one MLM that sold cleaning concentrate that did cost 120 EUR/bottle... We did buy a few and dilute it, lasted years and was actually pretty good... It only took like 40 people before it was worth buying...

Yes it is true. I agree that MLM can be a very good way to onboard people. The only factor that disturbs me is the centralization here. I have been a part of some MLM in the past. What happened is the owner ran away with all the money one fine day. 😀