Investment Assets to Own as You get into the Next year

in Project HOPE4 years ago

There is no easy way to wealth, it is as difficult as flying a whale with no wings. Wealth is one thing that a lot of people admire and want to enjoy but they do not want to stress themselves into doing the work.

Let me make it clear that being an Entrepreneur isn't the only way to make a person a millionaire or billionaire, working a 9AM to 5 PM job can also build millionaires provided they can be utilize other resources to make their earnings bigger while growing their wealth. I will discuss a few things that can be invested in so as to increase a person's financial life. This procedures are not a guarantee process to become billionaires or millionaires but they will improve the financial status of a person.



The stock market has been the ground for the rich to play. There are stocks that you never expect to skyrocket but because the companies are companies that work on future innovation, their stocks have touched the moon, a very good example is the Tesla stocks which moved from $42 to over $400 in one year, Zoom Stock also went from $50 to over $500 and so on. Although not all stocks can move that way but the S&P 500 will surely give an annual average return of 10% which is a good profit for a good investment.


Internet Business

A lot of people have made a lot of money doing online businesses from dropshipping to vlogging, blogging and so on. It is very easy to monetize anything online, it just requires starting a business online. Selling ideas, products, and many more online can become a full time job in the future but for starters, you can start it as a side hustle.


Real Estate

This has never lost its value from ancient times because land is very scarce and what every innovation or growth that happens on a particular piece of land makes it more valuable. Investing in real estate is a very good investment as a lot of people can get into this through mortgage and pay it back gradually. Investors could also invest in REITs which are institutions who invest in real estates.


Investing in scarce commodities

Bitcoin, Oil, Gold, Silver, and so on are scarce commodities and these assets are believed to increase in value as time goes on since they are scarce and limited around the world. Investing in any of this commodities give a higher chance of making high returns in the future.

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