in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

As I have commented before in our schools or at least in the Latin countries, they do not teach us how to be economically independent, they do not teach us how to have good financial habits, how to start a business, how to invest, how to improve our economy but starting from ourselves, on the contrary, they teach us to depend on a fixed salary to be able to subsist and pay debts.

” FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE is nothing more than The capacity we have or can acquire to reach and develop sources of income. Source

This is the tool that allows us to improve our financial growth or create greater stability. It is the best way to face and solve our economic problems.



But, what is the use of this financial intelligence? Enjoying this quality will help us to be free financially, to not have to depend on a job, on a 15 and last one to be able to live, for example, now in quarantine many were left without a job and NOW WHAT? Well, if we were all educated on this subject we could cope with the situation.

We can not get stuck all our lives in that vicious circle of being an employee, we must look beyond, this intelligence will help us see and find income opportunities, perhaps at first you do not generate the same as your work but can be a complement. An example, are these platforms, they generate an extra income and many live from that. So, it's NOT IMPOSSIBLE!



You don't need to be an expert in the subject to know what it is about, we just have to research either on the Internet, in books, take courses or workshops and educate ourselves about it, we have all the information at our fingertips, only YOU are missing. In my case I did not know that this concept existed until I investigated on the Internet and I found it, every day we learn something new, everything depends on us, not to stay in the same place.

This knowledge will help us to have absolute control of all our finances, of our income and expenses. To be able to solve our problems without help from anyone, to let our imagination fly and look for new things, to be entrepreneurs in our financial life.

We learn not to get stuck because we are going through a bad situation, on the contrary, we take advantage and opportunities from bad experiences, we will be able to learn from everything and also not to get into chaos. It's not about sitting around waiting for a job or being given a job, it's about creating them ourselves, the world needs more creative people and new businesses.



Once we have this quality we will see that our income will be greater than our expenses, that we will be able to grow our capital, we will find more opportunities to invest and educate ourselves more about it, all this will also help us with our mental and emotional state, because if we do not have a source of income we enter a state perhaps of anguish, depression, mental collapse, in short, and what we want to achieve with all this is precisely the NO DEPENDENCE.



The moment that we own our income, or that we do not have only one alternative, the moment that our income is greater than our expenses, that we have a future investment plan, that we do not depend on anyone to generate capital, at that moment we can say that we have financial intelligence.

Money problems are not solved with more money, but with education in financial intelligence.
Robert Kiyosaky.





There is nothing as devastating as not having a source of income or sound source of income when responsibility are at hand to meet financially

Very true, nothing like being stable and trusting yourself to get ahead!

 4 years ago  

@tipu curate

It is really strange, the more information we have at our disposal the more dumbs there are.
That's life.

hahaha it's true, we don't take advantage of what we have at hand.! Greetings @mauromar