This is how DEYSY works!

Hello dear friends, I hope you are doing very well and having an excellent week. My best wishes to you all.

Today I want to talk to you about a device that I didn't know particularly until recently and I want to share the information, I think it is an interesting device especially for us women, it is called "DEYSY" and it is a FERTILITY MONITOR.



A few days ago I was able to visualize a story on Instagram of a girl I follow who is currently using DEYSY and who also lives in Colombia. I found it very interesting and I researched more about this new contraceptive method.

I believe that it is ideal above all for those people who do not want to consume any type of hormones since there are women who affect them, or simply for those who want a method NATURAL.

It is extremely easy to use, just measure your temperature upon waking without having left your bed, is something like a thermometer, works based on our BASAL TEMPERATURE. This device will tell us what phase of our menstrual cycle we are in. As you read it, isn't it amazing? I thought it was GREAT.



Deysy works as follows:

” Daysy is based on the mathematical algorithm Lady-Comp, used by Valley Electronics devices that have been validated for over 30 years, which can obtain statistics and perform reliable analysis of your cycle, thanks to the research, knowledge and experience of millions of menstrual cycles of women previously studied extensively, to detect ovulation and non-fertile days safely. ” Source


It is a device that will help us know by means of certain colors in which days of our cycle we are, if we are ovulating, if we are in our fertile days or simply not.

Red= fertile.
(Red days are for planning a pregnancy).
Intermittent red = day of ovulation.
Green = not fertile.
Yellow = learning phase / cycle fluctuations.
Three lights on = pregnancy.
(On yellow days Daysy needs to learn more about your cycle.
If you avoid pregnancy, use a barrier method during these days).
Violet blinking = Daysy asks you to enter the day of your period.
Violet continuous = Menstruation has been entered correctly. ”

It's a fairly simple method, I think it's a matter of course, I would particularly love to be able to use it, but as everything new and high tech is expensive, not everyone can access it. It's not too expensive but to give you an idea it's worth a little more than the minimum wage here in Colombia.

I also think it would be a great investment.



DEYSY also has an application that allows us to keep track of our days and write down absolutely everything so that the device can record our entire cycle. Of course it can also be shared with our partner.

It is an excellent method for those who are looking to plan a pregnancy and of course for those who are not. We are not exposed to side effects, it is something completely natural and very modern.

Obviously it is not a barrier method so it will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections, ideally we should have only one partner and know who we are with, the care of our health is important! :)


DEYSY is a great technological advance, every day we are more surprised with the devices that help to improve our quality of life.

Thank you for reading me!! :)




It is a good technological tool, although a bit expensive as I understand it.
It's a good way for women to get to know their cycle better. But, I wonder if it works the same with women who have irregular cycles, or if it is just as reliable. But, with more than 30 years of testing I suppose it must be very effective.

Hello @josevas217 the truth is recommended for women with regular cycles. Thank you for commenting.

Greetings @franyeligonzalez, as usual an extraordinary content that you share with us in this opportunity related to an important and innovative tool for women and in this way to have control of their cycle.

In conclusion the technology for our quality of life, thank you for sharing such important content. Successes.

Hi friend, thanks for stopping by!

hi friend, as technology advances, it is positive to know that these medical advances are emerging, I will tell my sisters I am sure they are interested in this news

Hello @franyeligonzalez.

It is incredible the technological scopes, with this device women will be able to estimate everything related to their menstrual cycle and other eventualities, really fabulous.

Excellent post, greetings and thank you very much for sharing.