Binance Announces Enabling P2P Cryptocurrency Exchange for Bolivares.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

The options to trade with cryptocurrencies in Venezuela are becoming more and more extensive, apparently Venezuela has become fertile ground for the exchange of this virtual asset that is becoming increasingly known in the South American country; Many experts attribute the cryptocurrency boom to the crisis that the country has been going through for some years.



The options that cryptocurrencies provide to Venezuelans are multiple, from protecting their resources by investing in cryptocurrencies to sending remittances from abroad to help relatives in Venezuela, this "crypto fever" has made Venezuela one of the countries with the highest transactions with BTC on the LocalBitcoin exchange, breaking its own record of transactions at different times.

VES / CRYPT exchanges

What happened with LocalBitcoin has made other exchanges, see Venezuela as a good place in Latin America to focus their operations, the exchanges that until now allowed the exchange of currencies by Bolívares were:



Among others; List that will continue to expand since Binance one of the most important cryptocurrency exchanges announced the activation of this option on its platform.


Binance announcement.

Binance announced on April 16 through its Twitter account the activation of the P2P peer exchange to acquire bitcoin, ether, binance coin, tether and Binance USD. This is a gesture that shows the expansion of the platform into Latin America.

The company is said to see as a good investment place those countries facing serious inflation problems such as Latin American countries, since citizens adopt the cryptocurrency system as a safe haven against inflation, in addition to the decentralization that offers them greater control and quick access to your resources.

In general, this decision expands the options of Venezuelans, a population that is seriously hit by galloping Hyperinflation and that has made cryptocurrencies one of its main methods of investment and protection of its assets.

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The main issues are US sanctions. We'll see how this will impact on Binance

Well let's wait to see what happens, until now they are operating without major problems.

 4 years ago  

My regards, brother.

Do you mean that we can buy crypto paying with Bolivares? Really?
WOW, this is amazing!

I'm going to check it directly.
What will be the payment method? I imagine it must be by credit card.

Hello brother, thanks for your comment, the payment method has not been verified, but create an account and I think it must be a credit card.

We will see what happens, they are options that open.

 4 years ago  

The day I hear that news I celebrate it, and I made it known to many friends.

This news is really great, and you know the best of all is that they do not charge any kind of commission to carry out transactions with the Fiat currency of Venezuela.

Hi brother.

This news is really great, and you know the best of all is that they do not charge any kind of commission to carry out transactions with the Fiat currency of Venezuela.

Brother options, expansion of the crypto market, future, that's what I see.