Steps towards mass adoption. (Venezuela)

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello dear readers!

The massive adoption of cryptocurrencies and the dream of cryptocurrencies becoming the alternative payment method to traditional methods is becoming a great reality in at least some countries, the possession, exchange and use as a means of payment for services every It is becoming more regular as interest in cryptocurrencies around the world increases.



In Venezuela, the Merchant Server platform of the payment processor Mega Soft, opened the possibility for more than 20 thousand merchants that use this platform throughout the national territory, to activate the payment function with cryptocurrencies, this through an alliance with Cryptobuyer a Panamanian startup and money exchange.

Details of the process.

According to Mega Soft executives, the equipment configuration is underway and it is expected that they will be operational next June, commercial establishments that wish to receive payments with cryptocurrencies must request it to be activated and start receiving payments with bitcoin, ether, litecoin or Dash, among others.

"Merchant Server is our platform that works in stores, in the cash registers where payments for products or services are processed. These teams have already started to be updated, but each establishment must request their activation to process payments with cryptocurrencies. Each business must evaluate whether or not it is convenient to accept this type of payment "
The executive César Hernández, director and partner of Mega Soft stood out.

I must emphasize that it is not an installation of new devices, this process will be carried out by updating the Merchant Server platform of Mega Soft that will be enabled to process payments with crypto assets.

In this way, the use of cryptocurrencies as an alternative to real payment in our country would be encouraged.

Payment system operation.

For the person who owns and wants to pay for their service or their products with cryptocurrencies, the process is relatively simple, you should only go to the cashier of the establishment where they accept this type of payment, indicating that you want to pay from your mobile wallet. The cashier indicates to the system that the payment with Bitcoin will be processed, for example, and a QR code is generated to send the transaction from the client's portfolio to that of the business.




Venezuela has positioned itself in recent years as a country with high volumes of cryptocurrency transactions, allegedly due to remittances that come from abroad to family members who are in Venezuela and who choose this method for the advantages it offers, as well as the freedom to drive. and protect your funds.

Another hypothesis that is used is that the national government uses these platforms and cryptocurrencies as a way to evade and minimize the effect of US sanctions.

Although most of these statements are speculations, there is a real fact and that is that the use of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela continues to increase, this has caused some companies dedicated to exchange and linked to any process of crypto assets to turn their gaze towards our country, a fact that continues to pave the way for mass adoption.

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Dear @fucho80,

Very interesting news, I saw it a couple of days ago and was kind of astonished.

As you are living there, have you ever paid in cryptos for phyisical goods?

If so, for what type of goods or in what type of shops?

Thank you in advance,


Hello my dear @vlemon, sorry for the late reply.

As you are living there, have you ever paid in cryptos for phyisical goods?

I have not yet had the opportunity to pay with crypto any physical asset, these establishments that begin to accept crypto as a means of payment are more in the center of the country, I live in a small provincial town where not much is known about crypto yet.

If so, for what type of goods or in what type of shops?

There is a very famous clothing and appliances store in the country that accepts this payment method, however I have not been able to use it.

Thanks for the update about what is going on with cryptocurrency.

I always figured that crypto adoption would not come from the countries where things are comfortable. Instead, it would come from those areas where the banking and government system either failed or is so corrupt that people cannot stand it anymore.

Venezuela is a country that fits into that space.

Posted Using LeoFinance

Hello Friend.

I always figured that crypto adoption would not come from the countries where things are comfortable. Instead, it would come from those areas where the banking and government system either failed or is so corrupt that people cannot stand it anymore.

Totally agree, if we analyze well why BTC is born, its origin as an alternative to the traditional system of commercial exchanges, alternative to the fiduciary system, we realize that the most economically restricted countries are the ideal for the growth of this new economic system.

This is indeed wonderful news. No new devices and crypto payments by June. Experts have been saying for years that all crypto needs is to break in as a payment for the goods we use everyday.

That's right, friend, we must start for a reason, I also think that other important steps are being taken in favor of adoption, the cryptocurrency-based economy continues to strengthen, so we are doing well, that's my opinion.

I think there will be good news for cryptocurrency holders in Venezuella, They don't have to exchange to fiat or national currency first to shop. There will be new opportunites for start up to make addoption with cryptocurrencies in their projects.

That's right, important steps are being taken so that the adoption of cryptocurrencies is consolidated, a stronger educational campaign is needed in this regard, but I'm sure that will come soon.

Do you think that a process like network mining is a good thing for crypto mass adoption ?
When you sign up with Onfocoin, you earn 10 Onfocoin.
Click the following link: and sign up.
Then you introduce Onfocoin to your friends and so on...

I believe in anything that can help mass exposure of cryptocurrencies. I'll keep it in mind.

Indeed friend, they are operations that involve a lot of money, not easy for the common Venezuelan.