Elon Musk’s Rules for Business Success

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Elon has been rated to be highly successful in the path he has chosen to take in life and with the recent launch of space x rocket into space, his name has travelled more far. I do not know about you but I think it is good to learn one or two things from a man like this, I do not mean we should completely follow his pattern of living or life style but no matter how little it is, we should be able to learn few things from him.


He believes people should work extra hard for extra hours if they want to make any good impact, according to him a person who works for longer periods will be able to achieve more within the space of a shorter time, giving an instance that what someone who works hard might be able to achieve within 12 months which is one year, it would take a normal worker two years to achieve it.

Elon also believes that company or business holders need to get ready for the worst days in their ride, there are certainly going to be days that things will not work according to plan and they may feel everything is going to tear apart, but he believes that if the plan is to build a great company, then they should hold high the hopes while working hard continuously.

Elon strongly has the believe that people are not just thinking differently enough, his idea is that a lot of people are concentrating towards a similar direction and you know that succeeding in an area where you have less competition will definitely be more easy compared to a region of extremely high competition.


Surprisingly, Elon Musk does not think people should have the idea of changing the world before making it big in company creation. Before now, I used to think he would be someone who will advise everyone to have an idea that would change the world so I was surprised to hear him advice people on just having an idea that could add value to the society.

He also believes that business holders who step out to take unimaginable and what we will consider as difficult risk, are the ones who truly are able to gain access to the future business world.
Elon thinks entrepreneurs should always be interested in criticism, listening to critics should make you work more on your product in order to give it the perfect shape consumers want.


Simple, the more time you spend on something the faster it will get to your goal! I think it's the most logical thing to strive for what you want and then receive the fruits of your efforts!

@futurekr elon is kind of role model for many people they way he work the way he makes things happen , this is something a good quality of a leader of mass.