Are we prepared for another case of covid-19 pandemic or is the pandemic over?

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Some countries have been experiencing an increased cases of covid-19 and it appears that covid-19 may want to come back and hit the earth hard in the face again, but the issue remains can we cope with another round of covid-19?

The rate of unemployment caused by the first phase of the pandemic is still very much around, a lot of businesses have remained closed and so many people have lost their jobs as a result of the first pandemic, so many country’s economy are finding it hard to go through the recovery phase and a second blow of the pandemic will not be friendly in any way.

Some countries are already experiencing an high rate of increased number of the pandemic and regulations are ben put in place to set things in order, there are governmental regulatory to impose another lockdown and there are currently government restrictions set to stop social gatherings and entertainment centres from performing again.

As at the period when the first phase of the covid-19 lockdown was announced, it hit an economy that was doing well to a reasonable extent but now that the economy of different nations is really fragile and delicate, having another wave of lockdown is not going to produce a good result at all.

If the pandemic hits really hard this second phase, it is going to have a long lasting effect on the economy in general and cause even much pain that it has in the first phase considering the fact that we are moving towards the end of the year already. Although, the pandemic has made a lot of people learn how to work from the comfort of their homes and carry out other activities that will give them money, there are still people whose jobs require that they go out every day in order to make a living.

There are fast food restaurants who are doing well by supplying food to offices and events but with a second phase of lockdown there will be no entertainment gathering or any official physical meeting and that could only mean that these fast food restaurant that is trying to recover from the first phase of the pandemic, will have to deal with another loss. I know of a restaurant that use to work with about 30 employees before the strike of covid-19 but after the first phase of the covid-19 lockdown its staff was reduced to only 6 workers, that is a very serious case of unemployment for the remaining 24 workers who might not be able to secure another job anytime soon.


Hello friend, the truth is that I think it would be difficult to face again a wave of covid, I think that the economy of some countries is not prepared for another blow of that magnitude. Of course it would increase unemployment, poverty and also violence. It would be complete chaos!