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RE: A lengthy explanation of my crude oil view

in Project HOPE4 years ago

This is great!!! Count me in to be a trading companion... I'll download the app and reach you with some feedback... You known, actually oil is pretty much the chicken of the golden eggs here in my country... So it would be awesome if I somehow manage to learn how to trade oil financial instruments.


It's rather interesting to trade commodities with CFD(no physical product delivery), because it involved different kind of risk. To buy oil, even if you earn money for oil price going UP, but we will have to pay for the overnight swaps. If we sell oil, it's the other way round. Even if we lose the value, but we're making profit on the over night swaps, especially during weekends, triple pay yo. We will come back to this part on our following episode.


Here's a glimpse of what is happening right now at this moment, if you have the APP, login and you'll see it sitting there. The actual profit is only $1.40, but the over night interest since Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are now 6.21. After commission, that made up of $7.57 in total.

Interesting, I'll drive on assets with CFD...

I have a little issue with the app, I dunno why but it only lets me login to a default demo account. Dunno how to access yours



I just tried. My phone won't allow me to paste password, so I key in manually and the first letter is "L" small letter.