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RE: Impact of social networks on Mental Health

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

It is an unfortunate reality but not so current, xenophobia has been one of the most acute problems of society, in fact xeno is a Greek word meaning stranger. We not only live it with the Venezuelans in South America but also with the Africans in Europe. I lived in Colombia in my youth, many years ago when the bolivar cost 20 pesos and Venezuelans were a kind of sheikhs who were revered. Now the situation is different and it is clear that everything has a socio-political environment because it is not typical of the American, who is the product of the combination of many races, to feel aversion for others who live in the continent.


Hi @joseph1956
Certainly 20 years ago things were different. The vision of the Venezuelan and of Venezuela in the other countries were totally opposite things to the current ones.