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RE: dailingUP : Moving toward more Efficient Economies within the EOSIO Ecosystem

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello @machnbirdsparo
Some time ago I opened or applied for the Voice account, but I haven't checked anything about it.
I've been on a pretty tight schedule lately.
There's so much going on, it's hard to keep track of everything. Luckily in this community there are always users who bring excellent material and one can keep a little bit up to date.


It set for public release at the beginning of next year.

It seems like it will compliment this platform. For instance, I use Karma as a way to manage my photos and still get something in return for them. It's a habit that I'm just getting into but I can see that as the platform develops it becomes the only way I take pictures. Karma has my image thumbnails displayed 3 per row which is really nice.

I know there are a few efforts that do the same for video but they've always been problematic for me.

Also, let me know if you would like for me to try to help get you in early.