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RE: How Is Your Grammar? - Improve Your Writing Quality!

in Project HOPE4 years ago

ha ha ha
Here we see how movies can have a lasting effect on time.

I don't think it's so, but, it has its effect on us as a human race that AI is more and more present in everything. I'm not saying it's bad, but everything has its nuances.
The style of writing, is what allows us to be unique in doing so, we can't lose it. To a great extent it depends on us.

 4 years ago  

Totally agree with you, dear friend!
AI is here to stay. We must be aware that each day it is gaining more space in our lives and as part of the evolution process, we must accept it and learn to live with it.

But we must make a great effort to preserve our humanity. Those "gentle" aspects, like the fine arts, are what distinguishes us from other living beings and from the technology that pretends to imitate us.