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RE: Why your Content needs a nice Packaging

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Greetings, steemed @achim03.

It is totally true what you propose. But this leads us to see the other side of the coin.
Without taking truthfulness or relevance from what you have just stated, reality has turned into something else.

In fact, in this world of blockchain networks where we are, many times "curators" will only see the initial photo and the title of our posts.

Sadly, we can witness how items are being cured just for one appearance. Only for what is obvious, but not for the content.

 4 years ago  

What you say is totally true my friend. Curating can take a lot of time and many are reducing their work to the analysis of 3 factors:

  • The author
  • The title
  • The thumbnail
    And they curate according to that.

It's a pity in a way but this means that these aspects are even more important for content creators.

However when your content manages the quality of your external aspects, it is possible to bring real value, engagement and relationships. In the long term these are the real capital of the content creator.

Thanks a lot for your comment !