How many hours does your child play online? I did some research on it, asked a lot of neighbors

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I read a recent publication where they stated that one in 10 Latin American children spends at least 3 hours a day playing online, they carried out a study developed by the global cybersecurity company Kaspersky, in together with the market research consultancy CORPA.

This type of statement by the research made by these two companies is reasonable.

Physical activity.

This quarantine has generated in children a lack of physical activity, but due to being confined, the addiction of playing online increased, this situation encourages poor academic performance and is one of the main concerns of us as parents about online life of our children.

Children and their digital activities.

Some parents claim to have control over their children's digital activities, and do not assume direct responsibility because these children have a large proportion of spending several hours using electronic devices to browse the web.

Research without leaving home

I was able to do my own research without leaving home, call several neighbors who have children ages 7 to 13 and conduct a survey.

I contacted 12 neighbors by phone, each neighbor has two children, there were a total of 26 boys and girls.

I made this graph to discriminate by sex, age ranges.

Boy 14
Girls 12





I must comment, due to the confidence I have in all the neighbors I was able to interview, I personally asked them to be honest in their response.

I ask a question but with several options for parents to answer based on their observations.

.:How many hours does your son or daughter dedicate to online games?:.

  • 1 Hour
  • 2 Hour
  • 3 Hour
  • 4 or more

By consolidating the parents' response, I was able to determine how many hours these children spent. Regardless of sex and age range.

Graphically Consolidated Response....:

  • (* Children)
1 Hour2 Hour3 Hour4 or more
* 4* 7* 11* 4


I was able to determine that boys, usually spend more time playing or browsing than girls, can observe in the chart that separates by sex to determine who spends more time in those games or browsing the Internet.


The Internet has become our children's virtual playground as online games and YouTube videos have replaced any form of distraction among our children. The time that minors spend playing online tends to be a frequent cause of concern in the family environment.

A recommendation that I made known to my neighbors is that they should talk to their children about online threats. Additionally, I recommended that they look for more information so that they incorporate parental control tools that help them create navigation parameters and protect the Digital experience of your children is not easy at this time but we must be very aware of what our children do when they play or surf the net.

I ask you, how many hours do your children spend playing online or surfing the net.

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"In constant evolution".


In my opinion I think children are quite different from themselves although I don't have a child of my own, I feel that discovering the abilities and weaknesses of a child will highlight what they need and what they don't this include internet and television.

Children are spending really very high time over internet. It has really become a new norm...


Con el apoyo de la familia.

 4 years ago  

Considering that children are not being bothered with no school work, their probability of surfing or playing online games would be high. This has been shown in your survey however.

However, in my locality here, very few children get to access the internet. Parents should however control the rate at which their play games online