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RE: A leader worth following | @lanzjoseg [ESP][ENG]

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hi dear @ramsesuchiha


Friend thanks for this recognition, it really fills me with great emotion to be able to read your publication, however the @tofivefamily or steemitfamilyhi group. It has been maintained for almost three years, thanks to the fact that in some way we have committed ourselves as a small family and that we are all helping each other to continue moving forward.
As you well know, nothing is easy in this life and the most comforting thing is to be able to watch over your friends who, although we do not know each other, consider them my friends.

My grandfather always told me Son: never expect to receive thanks for what you do, it is quite the opposite, it is you who must give thanks for what you do for others, that only means that you can do what others do not they can.

Thanks friend, for this honor that you grant me.

Wow, amigo gracias por este reconocimiento, de verdad me llena mucha emoción poder leer tu publicación, sin embargo el grupo del @tofivefamily o steemitfamilyhi. se ha mantenido estos casi tres años, gracias a que de alguna manera nos hemos comprometidos como una pequeña familia y que todos estamos ayudándonos entre nosotros para seguir adelante.
Como tu bien sabes, nada es fácil en esta vida y lo mas reconfortante es pode velar por tus amigos que aunque no nos conocemos así los considero mis amigos.

Mi abuelo siempre me decía Hijo:, nunca esperes recibir las gracias por lo que haces,.. es todo lo contrario, eres tu quien debe dar las gracias por lo que haces por otros, eso solo significa que tu puedes hacer lo que otros no pueden.

Gracias amigo, por este honor que tu me concedes.


Muy sabio su abuelo una gran enseñanza la verdad, solo aprovecho para decirle nuevamente gracias por que si no es por el grupo no vuelvo a hive y de verdad me vino de maravilla, una lastima que el post no podía tener mas de 600 palabras porque de verdad eso me limito.

 4 years ago  

hello handsome :)

Brother @lanzjoseg, a well-deserved tribute that you receive through this publication, what I am reading here is nothing more than the confirmation of what I observe of you every day on this platform.

You know that you have my respect and admiration, I am closely following your work, and I am not referring to the publications you make each week but to the discipline you show in managing your account, the group mentioned in this publication and the associated accounts to your project.

Great job buddy, congratulations you really deserve so much more!