Electrical conductivity as an agricultural research variable

in Project HOPE3 years ago

In this new contribution, we will describe one of the most used variables in the agricultural research, as it is the ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY (E.C.).

In agriculture, it is of vital importance to know the concentration of salts in the soil, as well as the salinity values of substrates, chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers that will be applied in the agricultural production units, as a nutritional complement to favor the growth, development and production of a certain cultivated plant species. However, the variable used to measure the salt content or concentration of soluble ions is called Electrical Conductivity (E.C.).

Fig. 2 The EC serves as a parameter to know total and relative concentrations of ions in the soil. Image of public domain, Author: Kitt, 2016

In this sense, it is important to emphasize that the electrical conductivity, has been interpreted from the physicochemical point of view, as the capacity that can present an aqueous solution to transport electrical current (mmhos/cm, mSiemens/m), regarding the agricultural activity, the E.C. serves as parameter to know total and relative concentrations of the ions in the soil or any other substrate, its mobility, the temperature of the liquid and the content of dissolved solids.

As an agricultural parameter, the electrical conductivity can indicate high values with phytotoxic potential, or in its absence, low values that affect the normal development of plant species, taking into account that in the case of excess salinity in soil, substrate, chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer, the growth of plants can be limited, delaying germination, burning roots, affecting reproduction by decreasing water availability and nutrient absorption, otherwise a very low salt content may indicate fertility problems, especially of bases such as potassium, calcium or magnesium.


[1] Corwin D. Application of Soil Electrical Conductivity to Precision Agriculture: Theory, Principles, and Guidelines. Agronomy journal. 2003; 95; 3: 455-471. Article: Online access

[2] Lopes D., Botelho D., and Silva C. Soil Fertility and Electrical Conductivity Affected by Organic Waste Rates and Nutrient Inputs. Rev Bras Cienc Solo. 2016; 40: e0150152. Article: Online access


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the background Public domain image

Original manuscript, uploaded from the Project HOPE community website

Greetings friend @lupafilotaxia, what a great article you share with us in this opportunity related to electrical conductivity as a variable of agricultural research. It is important to point out what you express:

In agriculture it is of vital importance to know the concentration of salts in the soil, as well as the salinity values of substrates, chemical fertilizers and organic fertilizers that will be applied in the agricultural production units, as a nutritional complement to favor the growth, development and production of a certain cultivated vegetal species.
The variable used to measure the salt content or the concentration of soluble ions is called Electrical Conductivity (EC) .

Therefore, the implementation of this variable is of great value for the determination of the above-mentioned parameters and the same essential ones for the agricultural world.

Thank you for such excellent content due to the importance of agricultural production in our lives. Successes.

Greetings friend @rbalzan79

As I indicated above, the Electrical Conductivity of the soil, influences the growth, development and production of crops, as it is basically an indicator that measures the salinity in the soil. Thank you for leaving your accurate point of view, greetings and blessings to you and yours.

La verdad es un exelente post, es muy instructivo, gracias por compartir.

Que bueno que encuentres útil la información socializada, gracias por dejar tu apreciación positiva. Saludos cordiales.

Greetings friend @lupafilotaxy, an important physicochemical characteristic useful in agricultural research, since salinity is a very important parameter in soils, and can be related to electrical conductivity.

Greetings friend @emiliomoron

since salinity is a very important parameter in soils,

Correct, salinity influences the water absorption of crops, high values of saline soils affect the physiological processes in plant species. Thank you for your accurate assessment.

Hi @lupafilotaxia
Every publication that you share with us is full of valuable information, since many of us do not know everything that is behind every sowing, every product that we consume, there is a whole science.
Thank you for sharing.

The world behind the agricultural and livestock sciences is full of multidisciplinary content, mainly from areas such as biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as auxiliary social approaches. I love my profession. Thanks friend @josevas217, for your emotional words.

good article, interesting

Greetings @trabajosdelsiglo, the information of agricultural character is of extreme importance in our lives, since in it we find keys to produce our food.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia thanks to the shared information, the electrical conductivity is a property exhibited by the metallic elements and thanks to the ions present in the soils this property can be used in soil studies. We continue reading