dailingUP : AI, Data, and the Case for Blockchain

One of the greatest applications of blockchain is as a data source for artificial intelligence.

Below I introduce the concepts and issues which I feel are the most relevant. Keep in mind that innovation occurs at lightning speeds in this domain. I also included a short video from the World Crypto Con that discussed the importance of blockchain for AI.

The Relationship between AI and Data

Artificial intelligence can only be as good as its data. The algorithms and applications that leverage AI seek to expand upon human perspectives. Limitations and/or corruption of data will make it harder for an AI app to connect with interested minds.

Raw vs. organized data. Data is categorized as raw or organized. Raw data is less useful than organized data. While organized data is less mineable for innovative applications. In practice, there are levels to organized data. Some data considered to be raw may have even already incurred some alteration during the gathering process.

It may become clear to you that the Internet is populated with a lot more data than is currently being leveraged. Disorganized data is a critical economic issue. It’s a primary reason why algorithms are so aggressively pursued by tech companies.

How Blockchain Alleviates Data Constraints

Blockchain's ability to secure and end the duplication of data is, in and of itself, reason enough to garner interest from AI developers. Furthermore, smart contracts have opened up a whole new world of opportunities. Corporations, governments, and entire industries have already dedicated resources to blockchain development.

My personal belief is that innovations in blockchain and AI will become intermingled. Allow me to overview the potential of a mature blockchain-AI sector.

A P2P-based information society. Blockchain is more than merely an open source technology. It has the potential to lead to a truly free-flowing new internet and decentralized economy. Peer-to-peer connections would replace the current server-call-based Internet system in place today. And, as the growing popularity of DeFi (decentralized finance) illustrates, free market economies can absolutely work in the digital space.

Maybe you see where I'm going with this. When it comes to data, especially personal data, leveraging an open-source environment will be the only way for some applications to realize their full potential.

Even Corporations are Rooting for AI-on-Blockchain

Consider large, globally influential enterprises. They have the resources necessary to leverage third party custodians of big data. The corporate world’s support of the traditional banking system is an example of how intermediaries influence online data and transactions. Still, corporations rely upon free market systems. The most obvious illustration is the stock market. While not absolutely free, stocks are highly competitive; unlike the centralized global banking system.

Ocean of data. Indeed, blockchain can become a mediator for corporations. As artificial intelligence becomes part of essential business, blockchain will create a sort of ocean of data from which corporations can draw.

Selective blockchains. One day, all major corporations may have their own pseudo-blockchains to manage their extensive internal networks. This may take the place of maintaining large server rooms to support a closed network for in-house digital operations. Similarly, blockchain-as-a-service could alter how server warehouses operate.

In any regard, businesses need to reach their consumers. Connecting with consumer data has been identified as a primary factor of success in the modern marketplace.

A paradigm shift. Blockchain will likely make data retailers extinct as more consumers become aware of how valuable their personal information has become. The idea of a blockchain-based ocean of data where users directly benefit from the monetization of their personal information just makes sense.

Efficiency Alone is Reason Enough

If you believe the speaker in the video [below @ 1:35], then you have yourself a cost savings justification of $750 million for instituting a blockchain-based AI. The speaker discusses how blockchain was able to save the U.S. government so much after merely a partial examination of the data.

This same speaker identified administrative inefficiencies. He described how grant applications saw administrative costs consume 40% of their funds. He specifically calls attention to the lack of data insights.

Deep insights require highly organized data. AI and machine learning can provide deep insights, but developers have a lot to contend with when organizing raw data. Blockchain solves this problem on many levels.

Coordinating between networks involved in compiling and/or distributing data is facilitated by the technologies that make up blockchain. For example, in the U.S. government illustration above, just the task of collecting data from public and private universities across the nation is something that decentralized blockchains can leverage more efficiently than any other option available. A primary reason is independent access to a shared ledger.

Even during blockchain’s early history, it seemed ideally suited for AI applications. Below is a short clip from an interview with Steve “Woz” Wozniac. While at the time he did not state outright that AI would depend on blockchain, Woz identified [@ 0:43] them (with seemingly priority) among the most promising fields for the future.

* Originally published on Voice. *

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AI and blockchain together can solve many problems.

advanced artificial intelligence and creates new opportunities for evolution and i'm sure i'd love to see in the very near future an intelligent blockchain where we can use AI as an ally, as a important figure in our lives.

Yes AI as an ally. I've been looking into personalized AI. While I don't have a substantial handle on it, there are some technologies like explainable AI that I have centered some posts around.