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RE: From narco-hippos to eco-bombs

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Very interesting article @lupafilotaxia

I estimate that you have already heard or read news related to the "Colombian Narco Hippos" or "Cocaine Hippos

This is the first I'm hearing of the Cocaine Hippos. Quick question, why Cocaine Hippos, did the drug dealer, Pablo Escobar used them to smuggle drugs? I'm a bit confused in that aspect.

after giving birth females take up to 17 months to ovulate again.

This would have been good for us in Africa. Because the way and manner, people reproduce you get confused. I know of a woman, which I have known for over 7 years. I have never seen her not been pregnant. She gives birth, 3 months time, her belly is big again. Weird shit.

they propose to start using slaughter and castration practices as a method to mitigate the environmental impact.

They have to be stopped. Because there's need for balance for any ecosystem to function properly. I wouldn't suggest castration, won't be kind to the animal. The best is slaughter, win win for both animals and humans around the location. It's better to die than been castrated, living a life of anger and despair. I haven't eat hippo meat, I guess lot of you over there will have a taste of it, smiles.

Very good content. Thanks for sharing @lupafilotaxia


Greetings friend @menoski, it's good to have you visiting the blog.

The news are of a yellowish character, since the designation of cocaine hippos has nothing to do with the activities that Pablo Escobar carried out, as far as I understand he was an animal lover and the hippos were part of the extensive group of animals that he had in his private zoo. Regarding the time from birth to the new onset of the ovulation period, I agree with you it would be ideal for us humans, and I also do not agree that they put any animal to suffer. Thank you for reading.