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RE: What can be done about unemployment now?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Well...right now. It's very bad actually. Political crisis...environment degradation.

You just mentioned how bad it's been in your place. Here has been so much worse. reason is capitalism and completely ignoring the farmers, workers etc.

I hope you get to see India one day...and meet good people there... you may understand there is a world of stark difference, the haves and have nots/

Crime rate is so awful... too, severe ones against women and all ...its really complicated because it's because of some culture problem. But that said, there are good people too, people who are joining up to change their world and there is hope.

I was an activist myself, involved in a citizens movement that brought a big infrastructure down...ever since then I am learning the importance of community.

That's your only safety, community, and forming schmes and campaigns to bring that change.

I am very idle now... because I am learning cryptos and writing and being with cats.

Anyway... sometimes I hate my country but I think it's because of the love I have for it and how badly things are going there. I understand I may have to work to make it better than complaining and feeling scared and living in fear.